Common English Bible

Judges 5:7-13 Common English Bible (CEB)

7. Villagers disappeared;they disappeared in Israel,until you, Deborah, arose,until you arose as a mother in Israel.

8. When they chose new gods,then war came to the city gates.Yet there wasn’t a shield or spear to be seenamong forty thousand in Israel!

9. My heart is with Israel’s commanders,who willingly offered themselves among the people—bless the Lord!

10. You who ride white donkeys,who sit on saddle blankets,who walk along the road: tell of it.

11. To the sound of instruments at the watering places,there they repeat the Lord’s victories,his villagers’ victories in Israel.Then the Lord’s people marched down to the city gates.

12. "Wake up, wake up, Deborah!Wake up, wake up, sing a song!Arise, Barak!Capture your prisoners,Abinoam’s son!"

13. Then those who remained marched down against royalty;the Lord’s people marched down against warriors.