Common English Bible

Jeremiah 6:12-24 Common English Bible (CEB)

12. Their homes will be turned over to others,their fields and wives as well.I will stretch out my handagainst the people of this land,declares the Lord.

13. From the least to the greatest,each is eager to profit;from prophet to priest,each trades in dishonesty.

14. They treat the wound of my peopleas if it were nothing:"All is well, all is well," they insist,when in fact nothing is well.

15. They should be ashamedof their detestable practices,but they have no shame;they don’t even blush!Therefore, they will fall among the fallenand stumble when I bring disaster,declares the Lord.

16. The Lord proclaims:Stop at the crossroads and look around;ask for the ancient paths.Where is the good way?Then walk in itand find a resting place for yourselves.But you said, "We won’t go!"

17. Still, I have appointed watchmen to warn you.But you said, "We won’t listen!"

18. Therefore, pay attention, nations;take notice, assembly,what is ahead of them.

19. Pay attention, earth:I’m bringing disaster upon my people,the fruit of their own devices,because they have ignored my wordsand they have rejected my teaching.

20. What use to me is incense from Shebaor sweet cane from a faraway land?Your entirely burned offerings won’t buy your pardon;your sacrifices won’t appease me.

21. Therefore, the Lord proclaims:I’m putting obstacles before this people,and both parents and children will stumble over them;neighbor and friend alike will perish.

22. The Lord proclaims:An army is on the movefrom the northern regions;a great nation is rousedfrom the ends of the earth.

23. Equipped with bow and spear,they are cruel;they show no mercy.Their horsemen soundlike the roaring sea,arrayed in battle formationagainst you, Daughter Zion.

24. We have heard reports of themand are panic-stricken;distress overwhelms us,pain like that of a woman in labor.