Common English Bible

Jeremiah 6:1-6 Common English Bible (CEB)

1. Escape, people of Benjamin,get out of Jerusalem!Blow the trumpet in Tekoa,sound the alarm in Beth-haccherem;for disaster looms from the north,massive devastation.

2. You are like a lovely pasture, Daughter Zion.

3. Shepherds come to her with their flocks.They pitch their tents around herand graze in their place.

4. "Prepare for battle against her;get ready; let’s attack by noon!Oh, no! Daylight is fading,and the evening shadows lengthen.

5. Get ready, let’s attack by nightand destroy her fortresses!"

6. The Lord of heavenly forces proclaims:Cut down her trees,and build siege ramps against Jerusalem.This city must be held accountable,for there’s nothing but oppression in her midst.