Common English Bible

Jeremiah 6:1-13 Common English Bible (CEB)

1. Escape, people of Benjamin,get out of Jerusalem!Blow the trumpet in Tekoa,sound the alarm in Beth-haccherem;for disaster looms from the north,massive devastation.

2. You are like a lovely pasture, Daughter Zion.

3. Shepherds come to her with their flocks.They pitch their tents around herand graze in their place.

4. "Prepare for battle against her;get ready; let’s attack by noon!Oh, no! Daylight is fading,and the evening shadows lengthen.

5. Get ready, let’s attack by nightand destroy her fortresses!"

6. The Lord of heavenly forces proclaims:Cut down her trees,and build siege ramps against Jerusalem.This city must be held accountable,for there’s nothing but oppression in her midst.

7. As a well brings forth fresh water,she brings forth evil.Violence and destruction are heard within her;injury and wounds are ever before me.

8. Hear me out, Jerusalem,or else I’ll turn away from youand reduce you to ruins,a land unfit to live in.

9. This is what the Lord of heavenly forces says:From top to bottom, let them harvestthe remaining few in Israel.Pick clean everylast grape on the vine!

10. To whom can I speak and warn?How can I get someone’s attention?Their ears are shut tight,so they won’t hear.They are ashamed of the Lord’s wordand take no pleasure in it.

11. But I’m filled with the Lord’s rageand am tired of holding it in.Pour it out on the children in the streetsand on the youths gathered together;husband with wife will be trapped,as will those old and gray.

12. Their homes will be turned over to others,their fields and wives as well.I will stretch out my handagainst the people of this land,declares the Lord.

13. From the least to the greatest,each is eager to profit;from prophet to priest,each trades in dishonesty.