Common English Bible

Jeremiah 5:23-29 Common English Bible (CEB)

23. And yet the people have stubborn and rebellious hearts;they turn and go their own way.

24. They don’t say in their hearts,Let’s fear the Lord our God,who provides rain in autumn and springand who assures us of a harvest in its season.

25. Your wrongdoing has turned these blessings away.Your sin has robbed you of good.

26. Criminals are found among my people;they set traps to catch people,like hunters lying in wait.

27. Like a cage full of birds,so their houses are full of loot.No wonder they are rich and powerful

28. and have grown fat and sleek!To be sure, their evil deeds exceed all limits,and yet they prosper.They are indifferent to the plight of the orphan,reluctant to defend the rights of the poor.

29. Shouldn’t I punish such acts?declares the Lord.Shouldn’t I repay that nation for its deeds?