Common English Bible

Jeremiah 49:18-25 Common English Bible (CEB)

18. It will be like the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrahand their surrounding towns,says the Lord.No one will live there;no human will dwell in it.

19. Like a lion coming upfrom the jungle of the Jordanto a well-watered meadow,so I will suddenly chase down Edomand single out its choicest of rams.Who is like me?Who can direct me?What shepherd can withstand me?

20. Therefore, listen to the counselthat the Lord has for Edomand the plans he’s devisedagainst the people of Teman:The little ones of the flockwill be dragged off,as their pasture watchesin utter disbelief.

21. The earth quakesas the Edomites go down;their screams echoas far as the Reed Sea.

22. Look! One who mounts up and soars like an eagle,who swoops down and spreads his wings over Bozrah.On that day, the heart of every soldier from Edomwill be like that of a woman in the throes of labor.

23. Concerning Damascus:Hamath and Arpad lose heartwhen they hear the bad news.They are trembling with fear,like the raging sea,which can’t become quiet.

24. Damascus staggers about;she tries to flee,but panic overwhelms her.She’s gripped by anguish and pain,like a woman in labor.

25. Forsaken is the renowned city,city of my delight.