Common English Bible

Jeremiah 48:34-47 Common English Bible (CEB)

34. Screams are heard from Heshbonto Elealeh and Jahaz;their cries resound from Zoarto Horonaim and Eglath-shelishiyah.Even the waters of Nimrim are dried up.

35. I’ll put an end to Moab,declares the Lord, for making offerings on the shrines,and worshipping their gods.

36. Therefore, my heart wails for Moablike a mournful flute that plays the dirge;my heart wails for the people of Kir-heres,like a mournful flute.Their abundance is now gone.

37. Every head is shaved,every beard is cut off,every hand is slashed,and everyone wears mourning clothes.

38. On every housetop of Moaband in all its streets,there’s nothing but mourning.I have shattered Moablike a pottery vessel no one wants,declares the Lord.

39. How it’s shattered! Go wail!How Moab turns away!What shame!Moab has become the butt of every joke,horrific to all its neighbors.

40. The Lord proclaims:Look! One who soars like an eagleand spreads its wings over Moab.

41. The towns will be captured;the strongholds will be seized.On that day, the heart of every soldier from Moabwill be like that of a woman in the throes of labor.

42. Moab will be destroyed once and for allbecause it has exalted itself above the Lord.

43. Terror, traps, and trackersare upon you, people of Moab,declares the Lord.

44. Those who flee from terrorwill fall into a pit;those who escape the pitwill be captured by the trap.I will bring upon Moabthe year of its punishment,declares the Lord.

45. In Heshbon tired refugees seek shelter.But fire is raging in Heshbon,flames from the house of Sihon.It has burned up part of Moab,including the leader of this rebellious nation.

46. How terrible for you, Moab;the people of Chemosh have perished.Your sons have been carried off;your daughters have been taken captive.

47. But in the days to comeI’ll bring back Moab from captivity,declares the Lord.Such is the judgment on Moab.