Common English Bible

Jeremiah 30:14-20 Common English Bible (CEB)

14. All your lovers disregard you;they write you off as a lost cause,because I have dealt harshly with youas an enemy would,because your guilt is greatand your sins are many.

15. Why cry out for relief from your pain?Your wound is incurable.I have done these things to you,because your guilt is greatand your sins are many.

16. Yet all who ravage you will be ravaged;all who oppress you will go into exile.Those who rob you will be robbed,and all who plunder you will be plundered.

17. I will restore your health,and I will heal your wounds,declares the Lord, because you were labeled an outcast,"Zion, the lost cause."

18. The Lord proclaims:I will restore Jacob’s tentsand have pity on their birthplace.Their city will be rebuilt on its ruinsand the palace in its rightful place.

19. There will be laughterand songs of thanks.I will add to their numbersso they don’t dwindle away.I will honor themso they aren’t humiliated.

20. Their children will thrive as they did long ago,and their community will be established before me.I will punish their oppressors.