Common English Bible

Jeremiah 3:12-16 Common English Bible (CEB)

12. Go proclaim these words to the north and say:Return, unfaithful Israel,declares the Lord.I won’t reject you,for I’m faithful,declares the Lord;I won’t stay angry forever.

13. Only acknowledge your wrongdoing:how you have rebelled against the Lord your God,and given yourself to strangersunder every lush treeand haven’t obeyed me,declares the Lord.

14. Return, rebellious children,declares the Lord, for I’m your husband.I’ll gather you—one from a city and two from a tribe—and bring you back to Zion.

15. I will appoint shepherds with whom I’m pleased, and they will lead you with knowledge and understanding.

16. And in those days, when your numbers have greatly increased in the land, declares the Lord, people will no longer talk about the Lord’s covenant chest; they won’t recall or remember it; they won’t even miss it or try to build another one.