Common English Bible

Jeremiah 25:1-9 Common English Bible (CEB)

1. Jeremiah received the Lord’s word concerning all the people of Judah in the fourth year of Judah’s King Jehoiakim, Josiah’s son. This was the first year of Babylon’s King Nebuchadnezzar.

2. The prophet Jeremiah addressed all the people of Judah and all those living in Jerusalem.

3. From the thirteenth year of Judah’s King Josiah, Amon’s son, to this very day—twenty-three years—the Lord’s word has come to me. I have delivered it to you repeatedly, although you wouldn’t listen.

4. In fact, the Lord has tirelessly sent you all his servants, the prophets, but you wouldn’t listen or pay attention.

5. They said, "Each one of you, turn from your evil ways and deeds and live in the fertile land that the Lord gave you and your ancestors for all time.

6. Don’t follow or worship other gods and don’t anger me by what you make with your hands. Then I won’t bring disaster upon you."

7. But you wouldn’t listen to me, making me angry by what you do and bringing disaster upon yourselves, declares the Lord.

8. Therefore, this is what the Lord of heavenly forces says: Because you haven’t listened to my words,

9. I am going to muster all the tribes of the north and my servant King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, declares the Lord, and I will bring them against this country and its residents as well as against all the surrounding nations. I will completely destroy them and will make them an object of horror, shock, and ruins for all time.