Common English Bible

Isaiah 65:7-12 Common English Bible (CEB)

7. your sins and the sins of your ancestors as well,says the Lord.Since they burned incense on the mountains,and mocked me in the hills,I will count out to themfull payment for their actions.

8. The Lord proclaims:As new wine is found in the grape cluster,and someone says, "Don’t destroy it, for there is a blessing in it,"so I will do for the sake of my servantsand not destroy everything:

9. I will bring out offspring from Jacob,and from Judah, heirs to my mountains.My chosen ones will take possession;my servants will dwell there.

10. Sharon will become a pasture for sheep,and the Achor Valley a resting place for cattle,for my people who seek me.

11. But you who abandon the Lord, who forget my holy mountain,who set a table for a god of good fortune,and fill cups of mixed wine for a god of fate:

12. I will offer you to the sword.You will all bow down for slaughter,because I called and you didn’t answer;I spoke and you wouldn’t hear.You did what I considered evil,and chose what I didn’t want.