Common English Bible

Isaiah 61:5-10 Common English Bible (CEB)

5. Foreigners will stay and shepherd your sheep,and strangers will be your farmers and vinedressers.

6. You will be called The Priests of the Lord;Ministers of Our God, they will say about you.You will feed on the wealth of nations,and fatten yourself on their riches.

7. Instead of shame, their portion will be double;instead of disgrace, they will rejoice over their share.They will possess a double portion in their land;everlasting joy will be theirs.

8. I, the Lord, love justice;I hate robbery and dishonesty.I will faithfully give them their wage,and make with them an enduring covenant.

9. Their offspring will be known among the nations,and their descendants among the peoples.All who see them will recognizethat they are a people blessed by the Lord.

10. I surely rejoice in the Lord;my heart is joyful because of my God,because he has clothed me with clothes of victory,wrapped me in a robe of righteousnesslike a bridegroom in a priestly crown,and like a bride adorned in jewelry.