Common English Bible

Isaiah 49:7-12 Common English Bible (CEB)

7. The Lord, redeemer of Israel and its holy one,says to one despised,rejected by nations,to the slave of rulers:Kings will see and stand up;commanders will bow downon account of the Lord, who is faithful,the holy one of Israel,who has chosen you.

8. The Lord said:At the right time, I answered you;on a day of salvation, I helped you.I have guarded you,and given you as a covenant to the people, to restore the land,and to reassign deserted properties,

9. saying to the prisoners, "Come out,"and to those in darkness, "Show yourselves."Along the roads animals will graze;their pasture will be on every treeless hilltop.

10. They won’t hunger or thirst;the burning heat and sun won’t strike them,because one who has compassion for them will lead themand will guide them by springs of water.

11. I will turn all my mountains into roads;my highways will be built up.

12. Look! These will come from far away.Look! These from the north and west,and these from the southland.