Common English Bible

Isaiah 49:10-18 Common English Bible (CEB)

10. They won’t hunger or thirst;the burning heat and sun won’t strike them,because one who has compassion for them will lead themand will guide them by springs of water.

11. I will turn all my mountains into roads;my highways will be built up.

12. Look! These will come from far away.Look! These from the north and west,and these from the southland.

13. Sing, heavens! Rejoice, earth!Break out, mountains, with a song.The Lord has comforted his people,and taken pity on those who suffer.

14. But Zion says, "The Lord has abandoned me;my Lord has forgotten me."

15. Can a woman forget her nursing child,fail to pity the child of her womb?Even these may forget,but I won’t forget you.

16. Look, on my palms I’ve inscribed you;your walls are before me continually.

17. Your builders come quickly;those who destroy and demolish you will depart from you.

18. Look up all around and see:they are all gathered;they come to you.As surely as I live, says the Lord, you will put them all on like ornaments,bind them on like a bride.