Common English Bible

Isaiah 44:6-15 Common English Bible (CEB)

6. The Lord, Israel’s king and redeemer,the Lord of heavenly forces, says:I am the first, and I am the last,and besides me there are no gods.

7. Who is like me?Let them speak up, explain it, and lay it out for me.Who announced long ago what is to be?Let them tell us what is to come.

8. Don’t tremble; have no fear!Didn’t I proclaim it?Didn’t I inform you long ago?You are my witnesses!Is there a God besides me?There is no other rock; I know of none.

9. Idol-makers are all as nothing;their playthings do no good.Their promoters neither see nor know anything,so they ought to be ashamed.

10. Who would form a god or cast an idolthat does no good?

11. All its worshippers will be ashamed,and its artisans, who are only human.They will all gather and stand,tremble and be ashamed together.

12. A blacksmith with his toolsworks it over coals,and shapes it with hammers,and works it with his strong arm.He even becomes hungry and weak.If he didn’t drink water, he’d pass out.

13. A carpenter stretches out a string,marks it out with a stylus,fashions it with carving tools,and marks it with a compass.He makes it into a human form,like a splendid human,to live in a temple.

14. He cuts down cedars for himself,or chooses a cypress or oak,selecting from all the trees of the forest.He plants a pine, and the rain makes it grow.

15. It becomes suitable to burn for humans,so he takes some of the wood and warms himself.He kindles fire and bakes bread.He fashions a god and worships it;he makes an idol and bows down to it.