Common English Bible

Isaiah 31:4-9 Common English Bible (CEB)

4. The Lord has said to me:When the lion growls,the young lion, over its prey,though a band of shepherds is summoned against it,isn’t scared off by their noiseor frightened by their roar.So the Lord of heavenly forces will go downto fight on Mount Zion and on her hill.

5. Like birds flying aloft,so the Lord of heavenly forces will shield Jerusalem:shielding and saving, sparing and rescuing.

6. People of Israel, return to the one whom you have deeply betrayed!

7. On that day, you will each reject the idols of silver and the idols of gold, which you have sinfully made for yourselves.

8. Assyria will fall, but not by a human sword—a sword not made by humans will devour them.They will flee before the sword;their young men will become forced laborers.

9. In horror they will flee from their stronghold;their officers will be terrified at the signal,says the Lord, whose fire is in Zionand whose oven is in Jerusalem.