Common English Bible

Isaiah 3:6-11 Common English Bible (CEB)

6. Someone will seize a family member, saying, "You have clothing! You be our leader!This mess will be your responsibility!"

7. Someone else will cry out on that day,"I’m no healer!I have neither food nor clothing in my house!Don’t make me the leader of the people!"

8. Yes, Jerusalem has stumbledand Judah has fallen,because the way they talk and act in word and deed insults the Lord, defying his brilliant glory.

9. Their bias in judgment gives them away;like Sodom, they display their sins in public.Doom to them, for they have done themselves in!

10. Tell the righteous how blessed they are;they will eat the fruit of their labors.

11. Doom to the wicked; they are evil.What they have done will be done to them.