Common English Bible

Isaiah 23:1-8 Common English Bible (CEB)

1. An oracle about Tyre.Wail, ships of Tarshish,because your port is destroyed!When returning from Cyprus, they heard about it.

2. Be still, inhabitants of the coast, traders of Sidon,whose messengers crossed over the sea,

3. over the mighty waters.The grain of Shihor, the Nile’s harvest, was her income;she was the marketplace of nations.

4. Be ashamed, Sidon, because the sea has spoken;the fortress of the sea has said,"I haven’t been in labor; I didn’t give birth;I never raised young men or brought up young women."

5. When the Egyptians hear,they will be in anguish at the news about Tyre.

6. Cross over to Tarshish;wail, inhabitants of the coast.

7. Is this your triumphant town,whose origin is from ancient times,whose feet carried her to settle far away?

8. Who planned this concerning Tyre,the one who gives crowns,whose merchants were princes,whose traders were the honored of the earth?