Common English Bible

Isaiah 22:13-23 Common English Bible (CEB)

13. But instead there wasfun and frivolity,killing of cattleand slaughtering of sheep,eating of meat and drinking of wine:"Eat and drink! Tomorrow we will die!"

14. But the Lord of heavenly forces has revealed in my hearing:This iniquity won’t be forgiven you until you die, says the Lord God of heavenly forces.

15. The Lord God of heavenly forces says, Go now to this official, to Shebna, who is in charge of the house, and say to him:

16. What do you have here—and whom do you have here—that you have hewed out a tomb for yourself,you who cuts his grave on high and carves himself a home in the cliff?

17. The Lord is about to hurl you down, mighty man!He is surely going to cover you with darkness;

18. he will indeed unroll your head wrapping,rolling it like a ball into the open country.There you will die, with your glorious chariots,you disgrace to the house of your master!

19. I will thrust you from your monument;you will be pulled down from your platform.

20. On that day, I will call my servantEliakim, Hilkiah’s son.

21. I will give him your robe and wrap him in your sash,and I will hand over to him your authority.He will be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalemand to the house of Judah.

22. I will place the key to David’s house on his shoulder;what he opens no one will close,and what he closes no one will open.

23. I will fasten him securely like a tent peg,and he will be a throne of honor for his ancestors’ house.