Common English Bible

Isaiah 21:7-17 Common English Bible (CEB)

7. When he sees chariots, pairs of horsemen,donkey riders, camel riders,he should listen carefully,carefully, very carefully."

8. Then the seer called out:"Upon a watchtower, Lord,I’m standing all day;and upon my observation postI’m stationed throughout the night.

9. Here they come:charioteers, pairs of horsemen!"One spoke up and said,"Fallen, fallen is Babylon,and all the images of her godsare shattered on the ground!"

10. Oh, my downtrodden people, threshed on my threshing floor,what I heard from the Lord of heavenly forces,the God of Israel, I reported to you.

11. An oracle about Dumah.Someone is calling to me from Seir:"Guard, how long is the night?Guard, how long is the night?"

12. The guard said,"Morning has come, but it is still night.If you must inquire, inquire;come back again."

13. An oracle about the desert.In the woods, in the desert where you camp,caravans of the Dedanites

14. meet the thirsty with water;inhabitants of the land of Tema greet the refugees with bread.

15. They have fled from swords,from the drawn sword,from the bent bowand from the intensity of battle.

16. So the Lord said to me: Within a year, according to the number of years for which a laborer is hired, all the glory of Kedar will end;

17. there will be few Kedarite archers remaining. The Lord God of Israel has spoken.