Common English Bible

Isaiah 1:13-22 Common English Bible (CEB)

13. Stop bringing worthless offerings.Your incense repulses me.New moon, sabbath, and the calling of an assembly—I can’t stand wickedness with celebration!

14. I hate your new moons and your festivals.They’ve become a burden that I’m tired of bearing.

15. When you extend your hands,I’ll hide my eyes from you.Even when you pray for a long time,I won’t listen.Your hands are stained with blood.

16. Wash! Be clean!Remove your ugly deeds from my sight.Put an end to such evil;

17. learn to do good.Seek justice:help the oppressed;defend the orphan;plead for the widow.

18. Come now, and let’s settle this,says the Lord.Though your sins are like scarlet,they will be white as snow.If they are red as crimson,they will become like wool.

19. If you agree and obey,you will eat the best food of the land.

20. But if you refuse and rebel,you will be devoured by the sword.The Lord has said this.

21. This faithful town has become a prostitute!She was full of justice;righteousness lived in her—but now murderers.

22. Your silver has become impure;your beer is diluted with water.