Common English Bible

Isaiah 1:1-5 Common English Bible (CEB)

1. The vision about Judah and Jerusalem that Isaiah, Amoz’s son, saw in the days of Judah’s kings Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah.

2. Hear you heavens, and listen earth,for the Lord has spoken:I reared children; I raised them,and they turned against me!

3. An ox knows its owner,and a donkey its master’s feeding trough.But Israel doesn’t know;my people don’t behave intelligently.

4. Doom! Sinful nation, people weighed down with crimes,evildoing offspring, corrupt children!They have abandoned the Lord, despised the holy one of Israel;they turned their backs on God.

5. Why do you invite further beatings?Why continue to rebel?Everyone’s head throbs,and everyone’s heart fails.