Common English Bible

Hosea 8:7-14 Common English Bible (CEB)

7. Because they sow the wind,they will get the whirlwind.Standing grain, but no fresh growth;it will yield no meal;if it were to yield,strangers would devour it.

8. Israel is swallowed up;among the nations, they are nowlike a useless jar.

9. They have gone up to Assyria,a wild ass wandering alone;Ephraim has hired lovers.

10. Though they have bargained with the nations,I will now gather them up.They will soon be diminisheddue to the burden of kings and princes.

11. When Ephraim added more altars to take away sin,they became altars to him for sinning.

12. Even though I write out for him a large number of my instructions,they are regarded as strange.

13. Though they offer choice sacrifices,though they eat flesh,the Lord doesn’t accept them.Now he will remember their wickednessand punish their sins;they will return to Egypt.

14. Israel has forgotten his maker,and built palaces;and Judah has multiplied walled cities;but I will send a fire upon his cities,and it will devour his fortresses.