Common English Bible

Genesis 6:15-21 Common English Bible (CEB)

15. This is how you should make it: four hundred fifty feet long, seventy-five feet wide, and forty-five feet high.

16. Make a roof for the ark and complete it one foot from the top. Put a door in its side. In the hold below, make the second and third decks.

17. "I am now bringing the floodwaters over the earth to destroy everything under the sky that breathes. Everything on earth is about to take its last breath.

18. But I will set up my covenant with you. You will go into the ark together with your sons, your wife, and your sons’ wives.

19. From all living things—from all creatures—you are to bring a pair, male and female, into the ark with you to keep them alive.

20. From each kind of bird, from each kind of livestock, and from each kind of everything that crawls on the ground—a pair from each will go in with you to stay alive.

21. Take some from every kind of food and stow it as food for you and for the animals."