Common English Bible

Genesis 43:12-30 Common English Bible (CEB)

12. Take twice as much silver with you, and take back the silver returned in the top of your sacks. It might have been a mistake.

13. And take your brother, get ready, and go back to the man.

14. May God Almighty make the man compassionate toward you so that he may send back our other brother and Benjamin with you. But me, if I’m left childless, then I’m left childless."

15. So the men took this gift. They took twice as much silver with them, together with Benjamin. They left, traveled down to Egypt, and received an audience with Joseph.

16. When Joseph saw Benjamin with them, he said to the manager of his household, "Bring the men to the house and slaughter an animal and prepare it because the men will have dinner with me at noon."

17. The man did as Joseph told him and brought the men to Joseph’s house.

18. When they were brought to Joseph’s house, the men were frightened and said, "We’ve been brought here because of the silver put back in our sacks on our first trip so he can overpower us, capture us, make slaves of us, and take our donkeys."

19. They approached the man who was Joseph’s household manager and spoke to him at the house’s entrance:

20. "Please, Master, we came down the first time just to buy food,

21. but when we stopped to spend the night and opened our sacks, there was the exact amount of each man’s silver at the top of his sack. We’ve brought it back with us,

22. and we’ve brought down with us additional silver to buy food. We don’t know who put our silver in our sacks."

23. He said, "You are fine. Don’t be afraid. Your God and your father’s God must have hidden a treasure in your sacks. I received your money." Then he brought Simeon out to them.

24. The manager brought the men into Joseph’s house and gave them water to wash their feet and feed for their donkeys.

25. They prepared the gift, anticipating Joseph’s arrival at noon, since they had heard that they would have a meal there.

26. When Joseph came into the house, they presented him the gift they had brought with them into the house, and they bowed low in front of him.

27. He asked them how they were and said, "How is your elderly father, about whom you spoke? Is he still alive?"

28. They said, "Your servant our father is fine. He’s still alive." And they bowed down again with deep respect.

29. Joseph looked up and saw his brother Benjamin, his own mother’s son, and he said, "Is this your youngest brother whom you told me about? God be gracious to you, my son."

30. Joseph’s feelings for his brother were so strong he was about to weep, so he rushed to another room and wept there.