Common English Bible

Genesis 21:3-18 Common English Bible (CEB)

3. Abraham named his son—the one Sarah bore him—Isaac.

4. Abraham circumcised his son Isaac when he was eight days old just as God had commanded him.

5. Abraham was 100 years old when his son Isaac was born.

6. Sarah said, "God has given me laughter. Everyone who hears about it will laugh with me."

7. She said, "Who could have told Abraham that Sarah would nurse sons? But now I’ve given birth to a son when he was old!"

8. The boy grew and stopped nursing. On the day he stopped nursing, Abraham prepared a huge banquet.

9. Sarah saw Hagar’s son laughing, the one Hagar the Egyptian had borne to Abraham.

10. So she said to Abraham, "Send this servant away with her son! This servant’s son won’t share the inheritance with my son Isaac."

11. This upset Abraham terribly because the boy was his son.

12. God said to Abraham, "Don’t be upset about the boy and your servant. Do everything Sarah tells you to do because your descendants will be traced through Isaac.

13. But I will make of your servant’s son a great nation too, because he is also your descendant."

14. Abraham got up early in the morning, took some bread and a flask of water, and gave it to Hagar. He put the boy in her shoulder sling and sent her away.She left and wandered through the desert near Beer-sheba.

15. Finally the water in the flask ran out, and she put the boy down under one of the desert shrubs.

16. She walked away from him about as far as a bow shot and sat down, telling herself, I can’t bear to see the boy die. She sat at a distance, cried out in grief, and wept.

17. God heard the boy’s cries, and God’s messenger called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, "Hagar! What’s wrong? Don’t be afraid. God has heard the boy’s cries over there.

18. Get up, pick up the boy, and take him by the hand because I will make of him a great nation."