Common English Bible

Galatians 5:7-20 Common English Bible (CEB)

7. You were running well—who stopped you from obeying the truth?

8. This line of reasoning doesn’t come from the one who calls you.

9. A little yeast works through the whole lump of dough.

10. I’m convinced about you in the Lord that you won’t think any other way. But the one who is confusing you will pay the penalty, whoever that may be.

11. Brothers and sisters, if I’m still preaching circumcision, why am I still being harassed? In that case, the offense of the cross would be canceled.

12. I wish that the ones who are upsetting you would castrate themselves!

13. You were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only don’t let this freedom be an opportunity to indulge your selfish impulses, but serve each other through love.

14. All the Law has been fulfilled in a single statement: Love your neighbor as yourself.

15. But if you bite and devour each other, be careful that you don’t get eaten up by each other!

16. I say be guided by the Spirit and you won’t carry out your selfish desires.

17. A person’s selfish desires are set against the Spirit, and the Spirit is set against one’s selfish desires. They are opposed to each other, so you shouldn’t do whatever you want to do.

18. But if you are being led by the Spirit, you aren’t under the Law.

19. The actions that are produced by selfish motives are obvious, since they include sexual immorality, moral corruption, doing whatever feels good,

20. idolatry, drug use and casting spells, hate, fighting, obsession, losing your temper, competitive opposition, conflict, selfishness, group rivalry,