Common English Bible

Ezekiel 39:1-9 Common English Bible (CEB)

1. You, human one, prophesy about Gog and say, The Lord God proclaims: I challenge you, Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal!

2. I will turn you about, drag you out, and bring you out of the far north, and I will bring you to Israel’s mountains.

3. I will strike your bow from your left hand, and make your arrows fall from your right.

4. You will fall on Israel’s mountains, you, all your troops, and the peoples who are with you. I will give you to the birds of prey, to every kind of bird and wild animal as food.

5. You will fall on the open field, for I have spoken! This is what the Lord God says!

6. I will send fire on Magog and on those who live securely in the coastlands, and they will know that I am the Lord.

7. I will make known my holy name among my people Israel. They will never again degrade my holy name, and the nations will know that I, the Lord, am holy in Israel.

8. Look, it has come! It has happened! This is what the Lord God says. This is the day that I spoke about.

9. Those who live in Israel’s cities will go out and kindle a fire with the weapons—shield and buckler, bow and arrow, spear and lance. They will burn them with fire for seven years.