Common English Bible

Ezekiel 32:10-21 Common English Bible (CEB)

10. I will make many peoples appalled because of you.Their kings will shudder violently on your accountwhen I brandish my sword before them.They will tremble for their lives again and againon the day of your downfall.

11. The Lord God proclaims: The sword of the king of Babylon is coming against you!

12. I will make your hordes fall by the swords of mighty men, the most terrifying of the nations, all of them. They will bring an end to Egypt’s pride, and all of its hordes will be destroyed.

13. I will remove all its livestock from beside the plentiful waters so that neither human foot nor livestock’s hoof will trouble it again.

14. At that time, I will allow the waters to run clear, and make its rivers flow like oil. This is what the Lord God says.

15. When I turn the land of Egypt into a wasteland and the land is deprived of all that fills it, and when I strike down those who live there, then they will know that I am the Lord.

16. This is a lament, and it will be sung as a lament. The daughters of the nations will lament for Egypt, and they will also lament for Egypt’s hordes. This is what the Lord God says.

17. In the twelfth year, on the fifteenth day of the first month, the Lord’s word came to me:

18. Human one, mourn for Egypt’s hordes.Send Egypt downwith the mighty nations subject to it,to the world below,among those who go down to the pit.

19. Whom do you surpass in beauty?Go down and take your bed with the uncircumcised,

20. among those who fall slain by the sword.A sword is appointed, and all his hordes will carry him off.

21. The mighty chieftains, those who once came to his aid, will speak to him from the middle of the underworld, for the uncircumcised have gone down and have lain down, slain by the sword.