Common English Bible

Ezekiel 30:9-16 Common English Bible (CEB)

9. messengers in ships will go out from me to startle the complacent Cushites. Anguish will overcome them on Egypt’s day. It’s certainly coming.

10. The Lord God proclaims:I will bring an end to the hordes of Egyptthrough the power of Babylon’s King Nebuchadrezzar.

11. He and his people with him,the most terrible of the nations,will be brought in to destroy the land.They will draw their swords against Egyptand fill the land with the slain.

12. I will dry up the Nile canals;I will sell the land to evildoers.With the help of foreignersI will lay waste to the land and everything in it.I, the Lord, have spoken.

13. The Lord God proclaims:I will destroy the idolsand bring an end to the images in Memphis.Never again will there be a prince from the land of Egypt;so I will kindle fear in the land of Egypt.

14. I will turn Pathros into a desolation,set fire to Zoan,and execute judgments in Thebes.

15. I will pour out my anger on Pelusium,the stronghold of Egypt,and I will cut down pompous Thebes.

16. I will set Egypt on fire;Pelusium will writhe in travail,Thebes will be split open,Memphis assaulted in broad daylight.