Common English Bible

Ezekiel 23:8-22 Common English Bible (CEB)

8. But she never gave up her promiscuities with the Egyptians, who had slept with her in her girlhood and fondled her nubile breasts, and who continued to seduce her.

9. Therefore, I handed her over to her lovers, to the Assyrians for whom she lusted.

10. They stripped her naked, took her sons and daughters, and killed her with the sword. And she became notorious among women for the punishments they enacted against her.

11. Her sister Oholibah saw it, and she proceeded to outdo her sister in her lust and in her seductions.

12. She lusted after the Assyrians, governors and officers, warriors richly clothed, charioteers and horsemen, all of them the most handsome of men.

13. I saw that she too defiled herself. Both had the same tendencies,

14. but she was even more promiscuous. She saw men carved in wall reliefs, images of Chaldeans outlined in vermilion,

15. wearing only loincloths around their hips and flowing headbands on their heads. All of them had the appearance of warriors of the third rank, the likeness of Babylonians whose native land is Chaldea.

16. Aroused just by looking at them, she sent messengers to them in Chaldea.

17. The Babylonians came to her to lie down and make love with her, defiling her with their seductions. But once she had defiled herself with them, she recoiled from them in disgust.

18. When her seductions became known and her nakedness exposed, I recoiled from her just as I had recoiled from her sister.

19. But she added to her promiscuities, bringing to mind her youthful days when she was a prostitute in the land of Egypt.

20. She lusted after their male consorts, whose sexual organs were like those of donkeys, and whose ejaculation was like that of horses.

21. She relived the wicked days of her youth, when the Egyptians touched and fondled her young and nubile breasts.

22. So Oholibah, the Lord God proclaims: I’m now inciting your lovers against you, all those from whom you recoiled, and I will bring them against you from all around—