Common English Bible

Ezekiel 23:29-49 Common English Bible (CEB)

29. They will deal hatefully with you: They will seize your pay and leave you completely naked. Your promiscuity, betrayal, and seductions will be exposed.

30. This will be done to you because you sold yourself to the nations and became defiled by their idols.

31. You followed in your sister’s path, so I have put her cup into your hand.

32. The Lord God proclaims:Deep and wide is your sister’s cup. Drink!Appointed for abuse and scorn, it overflows.

33. You will be filled with drunken sadness.A cup of devastation and dismayis the cup of your sister Samaria.

34. Drink it, drain it dry, break it into pieces,and tear off your breasts, for I have spoken.This is what the Lord God says.

35. So now the Lord God proclaims: Because you forgot me and turned your back on me, you alone will bear the consequences of your betrayal and promiscuities.

36. Then the Lord said to me, Human one, judge Oholah and Oholibah, and make known their detestable practices to them.

37. They committed adultery, so now blood is on their hands. They committed adultery with their idols, and they even took their children whom they had borne to me and offered them up to be consumed for them.

38. They also did this to me: On the same day, they made my sanctuary unclean and made my sabbaths impure.

39. When they slaughtered their children for their idols, they came into my sanctuary and made it impure on that very same day. They actually did this inside my temple.

40. They even sent for men who came from a great distance. No sooner than a messenger was sent, they arrived! For these men you bathed, you painted your eyes, and you put on your jewelry.

41. You took your place on a splendid couch with a richly set table in front of it, and you set my incense and my oil on it.

42. The sound of a noisy crowd was around her. Men from the common multitude, drinkers of wine, were brought from the desert. They put bracelets on their wrists and beautiful crowns on their heads.

43. Then I thought, For a foolish woman they become adulterers! Incited by her seduction, they prostitute themselves—for her!

44. They come as if coming to a prostitute, first to Oholah, and then to Oholibah, those traitorous women.

45. But men who do the right thing will judge them, and they will be punished as adulterers and murderers, because they are in fact adulterers, and blood is on their hands.

46. The Lord God proclaims: Bring up an assembly against them, and decree terror and plunder for them.

47. Let the assembly stone them! Let them carve them up with their swords, slay their sons and daughters, and burn their houses with fire!

48. So I will put an end to betrayal in the land. Taking warning, no woman will betray as you have done.

49. You will be held accountable for your betrayals, and you will bear the sins of your idols. Then you will know that I am the Lord God.