Common English Bible

Ezekiel 20:13-32 Common English Bible (CEB)

13. But the house of Israel rebelled against me in the desert. They didn’t follow my regulations and rejected my case laws, which bring life to all who observe them. They completely degraded my sabbaths. So I declared that I would pour out my anger against them and destroy them in the desert.

14. But instead, I acted for the sake of my name so that it wouldn’t be degraded in the sight of the nations who saw me lead them out of Egypt.

15. So in the desert I swore another solemn pledge, that I wouldn’t bring them to the land that I had given to them, a land full of milk and honey, a land more splendid than any other,

16. because they rejected my case laws, didn’t follow my regulations, and degraded my sabbaths. They had their hearts set on their idols.

17. But I had too much compassion to destroy them, so I didn’t put an end to them in the desert.

18. In the desert, I said to their children, Don’t follow your parents’ regulations or observe their case laws or become defiled by their idols.

19. I am the Lord your God! Follow my regulations! Observe my case laws and do them!

20. Make my sabbaths holy, and let them be a sign between us that I am the Lord your God.

21. But the children rebelled against me. They didn’t follow my regulations or observe my case laws, which bring life to all who observe them. They also degraded my sabbaths. So I declared that I would pour out my wrath on them and satisfy my anger against them in the desert.

22. But I restrained myself and acted for the sake of my name so that it wouldn’t be diminished in the sight of the nations who saw me lead them out of Egypt.

23. And I swore yet another solemn pledge in the desert, that I would disperse them among the nations and scatter them throughout the earth,

24. because they didn’t observe my case laws, they rejected my regulations, and they degraded my sabbaths while they kept looking to their parents’ idols.

25. I also issued regulations that were not good and case laws by which they could not live.

26. I defiled them with their very gifts when they offered up all their oldest children. They were supposed to be so horrified that they would acknowledge that I am the Lord.

27. Therefore, human one, speak to the house of Israel and say to them, The Lord God proclaims: Yet again your ancestors defamed me by rebelling against me!

28. I brought them into the land that I swore to give to them. But when they saw all the high hills and lofty trees, there they made their sacrifices: irksome offerings here, pleasing aromas there, and drink offerings elsewhere!

29. I said to them, What shrine are you going to now? So it’s called Shrine to this very day.

30. So now say to the house of Israel, The Lord God proclaims: Will you defile yourselves as your ancestors did, and will you prostitute yourself after their disgusting things?

31. When you offer up your gifts and make your children pass through the fire, you defile yourselves with all your idols to this very day. Should I let you seek me out, house of Israel? This is what the Lord God says: As surely as I live, I won’t let you seek me.

32. What is in your minds will never happen! You’ve been saying, "Let’s be like the nations and the clans of the lands in the service of wood and stone."