Common English Bible

Ezekiel 16:16-22 Common English Bible (CEB)

16. You took some of your clothing to make colorful shrines and prostituted yourself in them.

17. You took the beautiful gold and silver jewelry that I had given to you, and you made male images for yourself and prostituted yourself with them.

18. You took your fine garments and clothed them. You set my oil and incense before them.

19. You set my food that I had given you to eat—fine wheat, oil, and honey—before them as a pleasing aroma. This is what the Lord God says.

20. You took your sons and daughters, which you had borne to me, and you sacrificed these to them so they could consume them. Was this promiscuity of yours a small thing?

21. You slaughtered my sons and placed them in the fire for them!

22. In all your detestable practices and promiscuities, you didn’t remember the days of your infancy when you lay completely naked, flailing about in your blood.