Common English Bible

Ezekiel 16:12-28 Common English Bible (CEB)

12. I put a ring in your nose, earrings in your ears, and a beautiful crown on your head.

13. I adorned you with gold and silver, and your garments were made of the finest linen and brocade. You ate the finest flour, honey, and oil. You became very beautiful, fit for royalty.

14. Among the nations you were famous for your beauty. It was perfect because of the splendor that I had given you. This is what the Lord God says.

15. But you trusted in your beauty and traded on your fame. At every opportunity, you seduced all who came by.

16. You took some of your clothing to make colorful shrines and prostituted yourself in them.

17. You took the beautiful gold and silver jewelry that I had given to you, and you made male images for yourself and prostituted yourself with them.

18. You took your fine garments and clothed them. You set my oil and incense before them.

19. You set my food that I had given you to eat—fine wheat, oil, and honey—before them as a pleasing aroma. This is what the Lord God says.

20. You took your sons and daughters, which you had borne to me, and you sacrificed these to them so they could consume them. Was this promiscuity of yours a small thing?

21. You slaughtered my sons and placed them in the fire for them!

22. In all your detestable practices and promiscuities, you didn’t remember the days of your infancy when you lay completely naked, flailing about in your blood.

23. After all your wickedness—doom, doom to you, proclaims the Lord God—

24. you built a pavilion for yourself and set up platforms in every square.

25. At every crossroad you built your platform and degraded your beauty by spreading your legs to all comers. And so you encouraged even more promiscuity.

26. You prostituted yourself with the Egyptians, your neighbors with the large sexual organs, and as you added to your seductions, you provoked me to anger.

27. So I used my power against you, cut off your allowance, and gave you up to the passions of the Philistine women who had been confounded by your infamous ways and had rejected you.

28. Still not satisfied, you prostituted yourself to the Assyrians, but they weren’t enough for you either.