Common English Bible

Ezekiel 1:7-17 Common English Bible (CEB)

7. Their feet looked like proper feet, but the soles of their feet were like calves’ hooves, and they shone like burnished bronze.

8. Human hands were under their wings on all four sides. All four creatures had faces and wings, and

9. their wings touched each other’s wings. When they moved, they each went straight ahead without turning.

10. As for the form of their faces: each of the four had a human face, with a lion’s face on the right and a bull’s face on the left, and also an eagle’s face.

11. The pairs of wings that stretched out overhead touched each other, while the other pairs covered their bodies.

12. Each moved straight ahead wherever the wind propelled them; they moved without turning.

13. Regarding the creatures’ forms: they looked like blazing coals, like torches. Fire darted about between the creatures and illuminated them, and lightning flashed from the fire.

14. The creatures looked like lightning streaking back and forth.

15. As I looked at the creatures, suddenly there was a wheel on the earth corresponding to all four faces of the creatures.

16. The appearance and composition of the wheels were like sparkling topaz. There was one shape for all four of them, as if one wheel were inside another.

17. When they moved in any of the four directions, they moved without swerving.