Common English Bible

Deuteronomy 32:1-9 Common English Bible (CEB)

1. Heaven! Pay attention and I will speak;Earth! Listen to the words of my mouth.

2. My teaching will fall like raindrops;my speech will settle like dew—like gentle rains on grass,like spring showers on all that is green—

3. because I proclaim the Lord’s name:Give praise to our God!

4. The rock: his acts are perfection!No doubt about it: all his ways are right!He’s the faithful God, never deceiving;altogether righteous and true is he.

5. But children who weren’t his ownsinned against him with their defects;they are a twisted and perverse generation.

6. Is this how you thank the Lord, you stupid, senseless people?Isn’t he your father, your creator?Didn’t he make you and establish you?

7. Remember the days long past;consider the years long gone.Ask your father, he will tell you about it;ask your elders, they will give you the details:

8. When God Most High divided up the nations—when he divided up humankind—he decided the people’s boundariesbased on the number of the gods.

9. Surely the Lord’s property was his people;Jacob was his part of the inheritance.