Common English Bible

Deuteronomy 3:15-19 Common English Bible (CEB)

15. I also gave Gilead to Machir.

16. To the Reubenites and the Gadites, I gave land from the Gilead, as far as the Arnon River—the middle of the river being the boundary line—to the Jabbok River, which is the boundary line with the Ammonites.

17. Also the desert plain, with the Jordan River as the boundary, from the Galilee Sea down to the desert sea (the Dead Sea) below the slopes of Mount Pisgah on the east.

18. Then I commanded you: Although the Lord your God has given you this land to possess, you must now cross over before the rest of your Israelite relatives as a fighting force ready for battle!

19. However, your wives, children, and herds—I know you have lots of herds!—may remain in the towns that I have given to you.