Common English Bible

Deuteronomy 28:36-44 Common English Bible (CEB)

36. The Lord will send you and the king that you appoint over you far away to a nation that neither you nor your ancestors have known. There you will worship other gods made of wood and stone.

37. You will become a horror, fit only for use in proverbs and in insults by all the nations where the Lord drives you.

38. You might scatter a lot of seed on the field, but you will gather almost nothing because the locusts will eat it all.

39. You might plant lots of vineyards and work hard in them, but you won’t drink any wine or harvest the grapes because worms will devour them.

40. You might have many olive trees throughout your territories, but you won’t cover yourself with their oil because your olive trees will fail.

41. You might have sons and daughters, but they won’t be yours for long because they will be taken away as prisoners.

42. Crickets will take over all your trees and your soil’s produce.

43. The immigrants who live among you will be promoted over you, higher and higher! But you will be demoted, lower and lower!

44. They will lend to you, but you will have nothing to lend to them. They will be the head of things; you will be the tail.