Common English Bible

Deuteronomy 14:3-9 Common English Bible (CEB)

3. Don’t eat any detestable thing.

4. Here’s a list of animals you are allowed to eat: ox, sheep, goat,

5. deer, gazelle, roebuck, wild goat, ibex, antelope, and mountain sheep.

6. You are also allowed to eat any animal with a divided hoof—the hoof being divided into two parts—and that rechews food among the various kinds of animals.

7. However, here’s a list of animals that either rechew food or have hooves divided in two parts that you are not allowed to eat:the camel, the hare, and the rock badger—because these rechew food but don’t have divided hoofs, they are off-limits for you;

8. and the pig—because it has a divided hoof but doesn’t rechew food, it’s off-limits for you.You may not eat these animals’ meat, and you must not touch their carcasses.

9. Here’s a list of the water animals you are allowed to eat: you can eat anything that has fins and scales.