Common English Bible

4 Maccabees 4:1-14 Common English Bible (CEB)

1. A man named Simon was a political opponent of Onias, who held the office of high priest for life. Onias was an honorable and good man. Simon was unable to injure Onias, even though he falsely accused him of all kinds of crimes, pretending to act on the nation’s behalf. He went into exile and planned to betray his nation.

2. So Simon came to Apollonius, the governor of Syria, Phoenicia, and Cilicia, and said,

3. "Since I am devoted to the king’s interests, I have come here to report that several tons of silver in private funds have been deposited in the temple treasuries. These funds are not temple property but belong to King Seleucus."

4. When Apollonius learned these things, he praised Simon for watching out for the king. Then Apollonius went to Seleucus to tell him about the stash of treasure.

5. When Apollonius received authority to take action, he quickly advanced into our nation, bringing along the villain Simon and heavily armed troops.

6. He said that he was commanded by the king to come and confiscate the private funds that were stored in the treasury.

7. The people angrily protested. They thought it would be terrible if the people who had deposited money in trust in the sacred treasury were robbed. They did whatever they could to prevent it.

8. However, Apollonius went on to the temple, making threats.

9. The priests stood in the temple, together with their wives and children, begging God to protect the holy place that was being treated so shamefully.

10. While Apollonius was approaching with armed soldiers to seize the money, angels on horseback appeared from heaven with flashing weapons. Apollonius and his soldiers were shaking with fear.

11. Apollonius fell down half dead in the temple court that was open to people of every nation and lifted his hands up to heaven. With tears, he begged the Hebrews to pray for him and to intervene with the heavenly army.

12. He admitted that he had committed a sin for which he deserved to die, but he promised that, if he were spared, he would tell people everywhere about the divine favor that shelters the holy place.

13. The high priest Onias was touched by these words, but he was also aware that King Seleucus might assume that Apollonius was killed by human plots rather than by God’s justice. Therefore, Onias prayed for him.

14. When he was unexpectedly delivered from danger, Apollonius left and told the king everything that happened.