Common English Bible

2 Maccabees 9:1-12 Common English Bible (CEB)

1. About this time Antiochus retreated in confusion out of the region of Persia.

2. When he had come into Persepolis, he attempted to loot the temple and take over the city. However, he was decisively beaten when the populace took up arms. Antiochus fled from the inhabitants and had to make a shameful retreat.

3. News reached him at Ecbatana of what happened to Nicanor and to Timothy’s forces.

4. Swelling with rage, he planned to make the Jews pay for his own calamity when he was recently forced to flee. So he ordered his chariot driver to keep driving without stopping in order to complete the journey, but the judgment of heaven was already on him. He had said in his arrogance, "When I get to Jerusalem, I will turn it into a mass grave for the Jews."

5. But the all-seeing Lord God of Israel struck him with a deadly and invisible blow. As soon as he had uttered this statement, he developed a pain in his stomach and a cruel torment in his internal organs from which he could find no relief.

6. This was altogether just, since he had tortured the inner organs of others with many extraordinary torments.

7. By no means, however, did it put a stop to his arrogance. In his contempt, a fiery anger against the Jews still filled him, and he issued a command to increase the speed of the journey. Then he fell from the chariot as it rushed along, and he suffered a severe accident that caused him pain all over his body.

8. Only a short time earlier, he had thought in his superhuman arrogance to command the waves of the sea and to be able to place the mountain peaks in a pair of scales. Now he was thrown down to the ground and was carried in a stretcher for the remainder of his journey, demonstrating God’s power to all.

9. Worms issued from the eyes of this ungodly man. While he was living in pain and in agony, his flesh was rotting away, and the whole camp stank of rottenness from his smell.

10. The one who had formerly thought that he could touch the stars of heaven couldn’t be transported by anyone because of the intense, unbearable stench.

11. From this point on, he began to lose arrogance. He felt devastated and became aware of the divine punishment, suffering intense pain every moment.

12. Unable to put up with his own odor, he said, "It is fair to submit to God and for humans to stop thinking that they are God’s equals."