Common English Bible

2 Esdras 8:44-50 Common English Bible (CEB)

44. But human beings, who are shaped by your hands and named in your image, because they are made in your likeness, for whom you created all things—have you compared them to a farmer’s seeds?

45. No, Lord above us, but spare your people and have mercy on your inheritance, for you have mercy on your own creation."

46. He answered me: "The present things are for those who now are, and the future things for the future.

47. You are a long way from loving my creation more than I do. But you have often associated yourself with the wicked. Never do so!

48. But even in this respect the Most High will admire you,

49. because you have humbled yourself, as befits you, and didn’t count yourself among the righteous so that you may be glorified the more.

50. Many miseries will afflict those who inhabit the world in the last times because they will walk in great pride.