Common English Bible

2 Esdras 7:102-119 Common English Bible (CEB)

102. I answered: "If you look on me with favor, show your servant further whether on the Judgment Day the just will be able to seek mercy for the wicked or intercede for them with the Most High.

103. Will parents be allowed to intercede for children, children for parents, siblings for each other, relatives for those close to them, faithful ones for those most dear to them?"

104. He replied to me: "Because I do indeed favor you, I will also show you this. The Judgment Day is decisive. It reveals the seal of truth to all. Even in the here and now a parent doesn’t send a child, or a child the parent, or a master his servant, or a faithful friend a dear confidant, so that the one should understand or sleep or eat or be taken care of in the other person’s place.

105. Just so, no one will ever intercede for another; everyone will then bear his or her own deeds of justice or injustice."

106. I answered: "How then do we find that Abraham first interceded for the people of Sodom; and Moses for our ancestors who sinned in the desert;

107. and Joshua, who came after him, for Israel, in the days of Achan;

108. and Samuel in the days of Saul; and David for the plague; and Solomon for those in the sanctuary;

109. and Elijah for those who received the rain, and for a dead person that he might live;

110. and Hezekiah for the people in the days of Sennacherib, and many for many people?

111. If, therefore, the just prayed for the wicked when corruption had increased and injustice had multiplied, why won’t it be the same then?"

112. He answered me: "The present world isn’t the end. Glory does not continuously remain in it, and so those who were able prayed for the weak.

113. But the Judgment Day will be the end of this time and the beginning of the future, endless time in which decay is no more,

114. indulgence is undone, unbelief is cut off, but justice is fully grown, and truth arisen.

115. Therefore, no one will then be able to have mercy on someone who has been condemned in the judgment, nor to overwhelm one who has conquered."

116. I answered: "This is my first and last word: It would have been better if the earth hadn’t brought forth Adam, or when it had brought him forth, that it had forced him not to sin.

117. What does it benefit everyone to live in sadness during the present time, and when dead to expect punishment?

118. Adam, what have you done?! If you sinned, the downfall wasn’t yours alone but also ours who are descended from you.

119. What benefit is it to us that we are promised an immortal time, but we have done works that bring death?