Common English Bible

2 Esdras 5:10-15 Common English Bible (CEB)

10. Many will look for it, but they won’t find it, and injustice and lust will be multiplied on earth.

11. One country will ask its neighbor, ‘Has justice passed through you, doing what is right?’ and the answer will be no.

12. At that time people will hope but not get what they hoped for; they will labor, but they will make no progress.

13. I am permitted to tell you these signs, and if you pray again and continue to weep as you are now doing and fast for seven days, you will again hear greater things than these."

14. I awoke, my body shuddered greatly, and my spirit labored so that it fainted.

15. The angel who came and talked to me held me, comforted me, and set me on my feet.