Common English Bible

2 Esdras 2:1-16 Common English Bible (CEB)

1. The Lord says this: I led forth a people to whom I gave commandments. But they were unwilling to listen, and they ignored my advice

2. The mother who bore them says to them: "Go, children, because I am widowed and abandoned.

3. I brought you up with joy, but I will send you away with mourning and sadness, because you have sinned in the presence of the Lord God and have done bad things in his sight.

4. But now what will I do for you? I am a widow and abandoned by my children. Go, children, and seek mercy from the Lord,

5. for I am left all alone."I call upon you, Father, concerning the mother of those who were unwilling to keep your covenant:

6. Throw them into confusion and their mother into ruin. May they leave no descendants,

7. but be scattered among the nations! May their names be wiped out from the earth because they despised my covenant!

8. How terrible it will be for you, Assyria—you who are hiding the wicked in your midst! Evil city, remember what I did to Sodom and Gomorrah,

9. whose land was dragged down all the way to hell. I will do the same to those who haven’t obeyed me, says the almighty Lord.

10. The Lord said this to Ezra: Announce to my people that I have prepared a feast for them, and I will give them the kingdom of Jerusalem, which I was about to give to Israel.

11. I will take Israel’s glory for them and give to them the eternal dwelling places I had prepared for Israel.

12. The tree of life will provide them with fragrant ointment, and they won’t labor or grow tired.

13. Ask and you will receive; ask for yourselves just a few days so that your days may be shortened. Already my kingdom is prepared to come, so be watchful in spirit.

14. I call heaven and earth as witnesses: I have dismissed evil and created good, because I live, says the Lord.

15. Good mother, embrace your children. Give them joy, like a dove that brings up its children. Make their feet steady, for I have chosen you, says the Lord.

16. I will raise the dead from their places and from their tombs, for I have recognized that my name is in them.