Common English Bible

2 Corinthians 3:12-18 Common English Bible (CEB)

12. So, since we have such a hope, we act with great confidence.

13. We aren’t like Moses, who used to put a veil over his face so that the Israelites couldn’t watch the end of what was fading away.

14. But their minds were closed. Right up to the present day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. The veil is not removed because it is taken away by Christ.

15. Even today, whenever Moses is read, a veil lies over their hearts.

16. But whenever someone turns back to the Lord, the veil is removed.

17. The Lord is the Spirit, and where the Lord’s Spirit is, there is freedom.

18. All of us are looking with unveiled faces at the glory of the Lord as if we were looking in a mirror. We are being transformed into that same image from one degree of glory to the next degree of glory. This comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.