Common English Bible

2 Chronicles 9:14-20 Common English Bible (CEB)

14. not including income from the traders and merchants. All the Arabian kings and the governors of the land also brought Solomon gold and silver.

15. King Solomon made two hundred body-sized shields of hammered gold, using fifteen pounds of hammered gold in each shield;

16. and three hundred small shields of hammered gold, using seven and a half pounds of hammered gold in each shield. The king placed these in the Forest of Lebanon Palace.

17. The king also made a large ivory throne and covered it with pure gold.

18. Six steps led up to the throne, which had a gold footrest attached. Two lions stood beside the armrests on both sides of the throne.

19. Another twelve lions stood on both sides of the six steps. No other kingdom had anything like this.

20. All King Solomon’s drinking cups were made of gold, and all the items in the Forest of Lebanon Palace were made of pure gold, not silver, since even silver wasn’t considered good enough in Solomon’s time!