Common English Bible

2 Chronicles 34:13-22 Common English Bible (CEB)

13. were also in charge of the laborers and all the workers, no matter what their jobs, while some of the Levites served as scribes, officials, and guards.

14. While they were bringing out the money that had been brought into the Lord’s temple, Hilkiah the priest found the Instruction scroll that the Lord had given through Moses.

15. Hilkiah told the secretary Shaphan, "I have found the Instruction scroll in the Lord’s temple."Then Hilkiah turned the scroll over to Shaphan,

16. who brought it to the king with this report: "Your servants are doing everything you’ve asked them to do.

17. They have released the money that was found in the Lord’s temple and have handed it over to the supervisors and the workers."

18. Then the secretary Shaphan told the king, "The priest Hilkiah has given me a scroll," and he read it out loud before the king.

19. As soon as the king heard what the Instruction scroll said, he ripped his clothes.

20. The king ordered Hilkiah, Shaphan’s son Ahikam, Micah’s son Abdon, the secretary Shaphan, and the royal officer Asaiah as follows:

21. "Go and ask the Lord on my behalf, and on behalf of those who still remain in Israel and Judah, concerning the contents of this scroll that has been found. The Lord must be furious with us because our ancestors failed to obey the Lord’s word and do everything written in this scroll."

22. So Hilkiah and the royal officials went to the prophetess Huldah. She was married to Shallum, Tokhath’s son and Hasrah’s grandson, who was in charge of the wardrobe. She lived in Jerusalem in the second district. When they spoke to her,