Common English Bible

2 Chronicles 29:26-36 Common English Bible (CEB)

26. While the Levites took their places holding David’s instruments, and the priests their trumpets,

27. Hezekiah ordered the entirely burned offering to be offered up on the altar. As they began to offer the entirely burned offering, the Lord’s song also began, accompanied by the trumpets and the other instruments of Israel’s King David.

28. The whole congregation worshipped with singing choirs and blaring trumpets until the end of the entirely burned offering.

29. After the entirely burned offering was complete, the king and all who were with him bowed down in worship.

30. Then King Hezekiah and the leaders ordered the Levites to praise the Lord by using the words of David and the seer Asaph. They did so joyously; then they bowed down in worship too.

31. "Now that you have dedicated yourselves to the Lord," King Hezekiah told them, "bring sacrificial thank offerings to the Lord’s temple." So the assembly brought sacrificial thank offerings, with some people volunteering to provide entirely burned offerings.

32. All in all, the congregation brought seventy bulls, a hundred rams, and two hundred lambs as entirely burned offerings for the Lord,

33. as well as six hundred bulls and three thousand sheep as holy offerings.

34. Unfortunately, there weren’t enough priests to skin all these entirely burned offerings. So their relatives the Levites (who had been more conscientious about preparing themselves than the priests) stepped in and helped them until the work was done or additional priests had made themselves holy.

35. In addition to the wealth of entirely burned offerings, there was the fat of the well-being sacrifices and drink offerings accompanying the entirely burned offerings. In this way, the service of the Lord’s temple was restored,

36. and Hezekiah and all the people rejoiced at what God had done for them, since it had happened so quickly.